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International Studies

Maeve Hennessy Named Spring 2024 Patterson Fellow

Maeve Hennessy and Bob Patterson at the IDS Spring 2024 Graduation

The Interdisciplinary Studies Faculty Council awarded Maeve Hennessy the honor of being selected as a Bob Patterson Fellow for Spring 2024. 

At every graduation, interdisciplinary studies names one graduating senior a Bob Patterson Interdisciplinary Studies Fellow. Bob Patterson Interdisciplinary Studies Fellows exhibit generosity, empathy, humility, open-mindedness, creativity, altruism and gratitude — all characteristics of the award’s namesake.

Maeve Hennessy with Seth Murray at Spring 2024 Graduation

Maeve Hennessy, from Springfield, Virginia, double majored in international studies and political science and minored in women’s, gender and sexuality studies. Maeve was very involved on campus during her time at NC State, and absolutely adored all of it! She was on the executive board of her sorority, Chi Omega; she was a Chancellor’s Aide; the director of the University Affairs Department within the executive branch of Student Government; she was a university ambassador (tour guide) and was on the leadership council for the UA program; she was on the executive board for the Pre Law Student Association; and she was the intern coordinator for Haddy Njie’s Gambian Girl Power non-profit where she also engaged in undergraduate research; and Maeve was a university scholar. Additionally, Maeve was the recipient of the Dr. Thomas Stafford Jr. Leadership Scholarship. Maeve also studied abroad in Chile during summer 2022 and had an internship in Berlin, Germany for summer 2023. Outside of classes and campus activities, Maeve has loved her off campus job as a daily nanny for two sweet boys. 

After graduation, Maeve is planning on attending law school, but first she is going to jet set yet again and be an au pair while engaging in human rights volunteering in either Australia or Europe. Additionally, Maeve is going to The Gambia with Haddy Njie for a post-graduation service trip. Maeve will forever hold the pack close to her heart!